How to Weld Cast Iron | Full Guide Step By Step

In this guide, we solve your problem about how to weld cast iron.

Cast iron is one of the most difficult metals to weld, as you should already know. A precision TIG welder, as well as expertise in how to weld cast iron to high amounts of electric power, will be required.

Cast iron’s look might be deceiving. That example, it may appear strong after welding but be weak on the inside, leading to fissures. This means that you’ll need to know how to weld cast iron to avoid wasting time and money hiring more qualified welders to finish work that you can do yourself.

We understand that welding cast iron is difficult, which is why we’ve created this ‘how to’ guide to help you.

If you follow the procedures we provide and describe below, we guarantee that welding cast iron will never be the same again. It won’t get any easier, but the new knowledge will surely help you avoid costly mistakes and, even better, comprehend the techniques and intricacies of superb cast iron welding.

How to Weld Cast Iron Steps by Step Guide

Step 1: Determine the type of cast iron you’ll be working with

Cast iron comes in a range of shapes and sizes, including common gray iron, which is difficult to weld. Other types include white iron (almost impossible to weld), ductile iron (difficult, slow, and demanding to weld), and malleable iron (iron that cannot be weld because it alters the metal’s characteristics).

You can always consult the instructions or contact the manufacturer to learn more about your material’s welding properties. Professional welders, on the other hand, can always recognize problems and determine the best course of action.

The most prevalent type of weldable iron is gray cast iron. Although welding this material is tough, a qualified welder can handle it.

The Cooling Effect in Cast Iron

Cooling is necessary for any welding process. When making castings, molten iron is usually carefully poured into a hot mold and allowed to cool slowly.

Remember that cast iron has a carbon content of 2-4 percent, which is more than 10 times higher than other steel products. When cast iron is cracked, graphite flakes form due to the high carbon concentration, giving it a grey colour.

All castings should be allowed to cool gradually or maintained cold enough to prevent rapid cooling.

Step 2: Choose the Appropriate Welding Method

Cast iron can be welded with almost any welding process as long as the right filler materials and procedures are utilized. It all depends on your preferences, as well as a few other factors, such as the following:

Surface Welding

TIG welding is always the best process when welding a specific section of a machine. When patching or mending a small portion of an object, be careful since spatter from welding the repair surface can distract from the item’s overall beauty.

TIG welding produces less spatter than stick or MIG welding, reducing the risk of spray ruining the surface’s overall attractiveness.

Durability of Welding

MIG and stick welding produce the best and most durable welds. There is, however, a catch: you must use the correct consumables. Using the wrong filler metal, regardless of the type of welder, will almost certainly result in cracking. As a result, ensure sure a surface is suitable before MIG or stick welding it.

Cooling and Heating Factors

Another consideration is if you can withstand the high cooling and heating temperatures associated with electric welding.

Oxy-acetylene makes it easier to maintain temperatures and execute welding tasks. If welding the surface is too difficult, you can braze (which isn’t the same as welding). Because brazes don’t stick to rusty or dirty iron, make sure the brazing surfaces are clean.

Step 3: Choose Electrode

When welding, as indicated in step 2, you must exercise extreme caution when selecting materials. Some alternatives fail to effectively fuse with cast iron, resulting in an ugly appearance, while others cool too rapidly, causing stress cracks. These are some of your options when it comes to wire consumables and electrodes.

Electrodes Rich nickel

Often, these wires are soft and machinable. Nickel has a reputation for cooling slowly, which is beneficial because it cools at a rate equivalent to cast iron.

Even better, nickel-rich material is said to cool to the same gray color as the rest of the material. These electrodes aren’t ideal for welding thick portions, and they’re quite expensive.

Nickel (55%) and Iron (45%) Alloy

These alloys are tougher than electrodes with a high nickel content, yet they’re still machinable and cool to the same color as cast iron, ensuring a clean weld.

These alloys are good for use because they are affordable and have a low shrinkage rate, making them less likely to fracture than iron.


Iron does not cool to the same hue as cast iron during welding. Expect a more tough challenge while working with this material because to its severe shrinkage properties and inability to be machinable. You can, however, grind back the iron when welding.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is not known to expand or contract significantly when heated and cooled during welding. Because of this, cast iron is difficult to weld. On the other hand, using it to weld cast iron will help you obtain a machinable surface.

Step 4: Preheating or cold-welding

Before beginning the welding process, it’s necessary to clean the surface. For high-quality, long-lasting welds, we recommend welding on clean surfaces free of corrosion, grease, dust, or other contaminants. Your weld will be neat and long-lasting as a result of this.

Preheating is always recommended to take advantage of cast iron’s brittle properties. Preheating helps spread out the heat evenly, preventing uneven cooling, which produces cracks, because heat is known to deform metal and its internal qualities.

Preheating helps you to maintain the same welding temperature throughout the weld, allowing the entire component to change in a consistent manner.

However, because cast iron has a temperature limit of 1400 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s preferable not to go above that to avoid deformation.

You can also cold-weld, although this approach necessitates a great deal of expertise. Cold welding does not require preheating and only employs a little amount of heat to change the properties of materials.

Bring the casting to a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit before cold welding.

During cold welding, never overheat a cast to the point that you can’t touch it with your bare hands. With this technique, you can make 1 inch short welds. Always peen your weld after you’ve finished it during cold welding. Remember to fill all craters and lay beads in a regular pattern for optimal results.

Although this method may be great for some, it is not as effective as preheating since internal stress might cause weak welds.

Step 5: Cooling period

If you don’t let the weld cool completely, you won’t be able to complete the project. The insertion of compressed air or cold water almost usually causes internal fractures. Allow for a natural and gentle cooling of the entire component.

It’s always a good idea to let the component cool for as long as possible. Place the welded object in a warm oven or sand to ensure that it cools uniformly.

Unfortunately, most inexperienced welders are more preoccupied with the physical procedures of welding and overlook the crucial necessity of adequate cooling.

You must ensure that your welded component is properly cooled. Uneven cooling, as previously stated, generates inner fractures and lowers the weld’s long-term resilience.


Welding cast iron is difficult, but it is possible, as we demonstrated in our last presentation. While the chances of a first-time welder succeeding are often slim, you don’t have to make bad welds to learn how to weld cast iron.

You will gain a better grasp of the cast iron welding process as a result of all of the recommendations and strategies provided. Make certain you understand the type of cast you’re welding. After that, decide on the best welding method to use.

Consider factors like as spatter and the area to be fixed while deciding on the best welding processes.

Another important element to remember is to weld on clean, non-contaminated surfaces at all times. Welding on such surfaces will produce weak welds that won’t last long enough to achieve their aim. Rushing the cooling process will result in not just cracks, but also weak internal links in the iron.

We’re confident that now that you’ve understood the fundamentals of cast iron welding, you’ll be able to go to the garage and create a superb weld.

We know it’s not easy, but you’re now in a better position to make a strong, attractive cast iron weld.

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